Category Archives: Featured Article

Just Say NO to Bad Medicine
For those readers not from Ontario, the CVO is the College of Veterinarians of Ontario...
Informed Owner Consent
I am in Ontario, so when it comes to practice standards and legal aspects of...
Tooth Brushing Can Be Bad
I should start by saying that providing safe, effective daily home plaque control for your...
Dental Crowding
There are many factors that might predispose a dog to periodontal disease and dental crowding...
My Brachycephalism Manifesto
This document (in pdf form) outlines my stance on the breeding of brachycephalic animals with...
Pugs make me sad.
Whenever I see a Pug (or Boston Terrier, or French Bulldog or English Bulldog, Persian,…),...
Fractured Primary Teeth Need Extraction
Puppy teeth are slender, thin-walled, delicate and reside in puppy mouths. Puppies are active, curious...
Guidelines for Dental Care
Half-way through Pet Dental Health Month seems a great time to get the team together...
My Video on Anesthesia-Free Dentistry
In May of 2017 the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario deemed that a person...